Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Unsolicited Testimonials

Mercy College of Ohio, a nursing school affiliated with St. Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown, recently brought several groups of nursing students to tour and learn about homelessness in the Mahoning Valley. Afterwards, they were required to evaluate their visit and share their impressions.

Here are several of the comments from the students:

I had no idea the Mission had job and educational programs. I also learned just because you have to attend a mission doesn't necessarily mean you're "lazy" or a "bum." Hardship can effect anyone at anytime. I am grateful for this program in our area.

I live 10 minutes from the Mission and I never knew it was there. I pass groups of people on my way to school and home from school who I never really paid attention to, who are most likely homeless or addicted to drugs and alcohol, but I always looked away. Before today I believed homelessness was, in a way, a choice. These people probably got addicted to drugs, although they knew the consequences but made the decision to do illegal drugs anyway and it led to their homelessness; so it was their choice or their fault they're in that situation. Although that is true of some individuals, I learned it could happen to anyone. It could happen to me or someone I love. You don't have to be addicted to drugs to be homeless; you could just fall on hard times in life... Those who are willing to pick themselves back up after they've hit rock bottom deserve and need a place like the Mission to feel like they're members of society again.

Instructor Annette Henrichs said "In their evals, they rated the Mission 100%. Thanks for all you do."

Thank you Mercy College of Ohio Nursing Students!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Yes, We Do That Too!

This is Rev. Dave Wyant filling the pulpit at Sharon Baptist Church in Sharon, PA. This church has called a new Pastor who will begin on August 7. In the meantime, they reached out for help in filling the pulpit. Dave is a faithful volunteer who speaks every Sunday at the Mission for the 9:00 a.m. church service. Dave, whose wife is the Director of Development at the Rescue Mission, is working toward a PhD. in Biblical Studies. His goal is to become "the most over-qualified volunteer in Mission history." Dave loves to study and preach God's Word!

We have several men at the Mission who are willing and able to provide pulpit supply. Dave is one of 3 men who have been active this summer preaching and representing the Mission at area churches. If you are interested in having a Mission representative speak about the Rescue Mission or provide a message for a Sunday morning service, please contact Ron Starcher, Director of Church Relations. He can be reached at 330-744-5485 or