Here are several of the comments from the students:
I had no idea the Mission had job and educational programs. I also learned just because you have to attend a mission doesn't necessarily mean you're "lazy" or a "bum." Hardship can effect anyone at anytime. I am grateful for this program in our area.
I live 10 minutes from the Mission and I never knew it was there. I pass groups of people on my way to school and home from school who I never really paid attention to, who are most likely homeless or addicted to drugs and alcohol, but I always looked away. Before today I believed homelessness was, in a way, a choice. These people probably got addicted to drugs, although they knew the consequences but made the decision to do illegal drugs anyway and it led to their homelessness; so it was their choice or their fault they're in that situation. Although that is true of some individuals, I learned it could happen to anyone. It could happen to me or someone I love. You don't have to be addicted to drugs to be homeless; you could just fall on hard times in life... Those who are willing to pick themselves back up after they've hit rock bottom deserve and need a place like the Mission to feel like they're members of society again.
Instructor Annette Henrichs said "In their evals, they rated the Mission 100%. Thanks for all you do."
Thank you Mercy College of Ohio Nursing Students!