Thursday, March 24, 2016

Run, Rick, Run

Rick Blair is an amazing individual. Besides being a faithful Christ follower, talented musician, and committed family man, he is also a long distance runner. Rick is training to run in the Boston Marathon to be held April 18th.  Part of his participation involves raising money for a local charity. Rick has chosen to raise funds for the Rescue Mission. His initial goal was $5000.00. When he passed that goal, he set $10,000 as the next benchmark. Having reached that, the new goal is $26,200.00, one thousand dollars for every mile of the Marathon. Here’s the good news: several families have promised to match donations up to $2500.

You may donate to Rick’s cause by visiting his crowdrise site, or by donating directly to the Rescue Mission designated for Rick. Read more about this project in a recent article in the Youngstown Vindicator. And don’t forget to follow Rick’s progress as he prepares and runs in the Boston Marathon.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Social Work Month

This month, the Rescue Mission recognizes the great work done by Mrs. Pat Sciaretta (LSW) and her intrepid group of social work student interns. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW):

Celebrated each March, National Professional Social Work Month is an opportunity for social workers across the country to turn the spotlight on the profession and highlight the important contributions they make to society.
Our nations' more than 600,000 social workers have amazing tenacity and talent.
They confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live.
 Thank you, Ms. Pat, Roni Robinson, Christine Peters (LSW), Madison Goske (LSW), Nicole Zarzycki, Theresa Depp (LSW), and Brandy Ogle for the fantastic work you do for our guests at the Rescue Mission.