Friday, July 31, 2015

Graduation Day

Graduation day at the Mission is an exciting time. When members of our Discipleship Academy complete their work – usually after 12 months - we hold a graduation ceremony. Today, we graduated Greg Smith and John Maynard.

The Discipleship Academy is an intensive course of study with the goal to develop followers of Jesus Christ. It includes academic instruction, Biblical instruction, service duties and internship opportunity. See a complete description here.

Graduation is no minor accomplishment. “It was the most difficult thing I have ever done,” said Greg (left). John (right) told the audience, “There were many times that I thought, ‘I’ve been here for a few months. I’ve got this.’ But every time, the Lord encouraged me to finish the course.” These men testify to the transforming power of the gospel.

You can view a 2 minute video of today’s graduation here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hot Town, Summer in the City

This “oldies” tune is appropriate for this summer’s first major heat wave in northeast Ohio. Temperatures in the 90’s turn our old brick building into a kiln. Add to the heat the 130 people who stay with us at the Mission and you can see how interesting life is at the Rescue Mission.

One of the most popular misconceptions is that shelters are filled to capacity during the brutal winter months, but not so much in the summer. While I cannot speak for other parts of the country, the number of people staying at the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley is consistent throughout the year. If anything, the population count increases during the summer.

Here’s the point: homelessness is not seasonal. It can happen anytime at anyplace and to anybody. So, think of the people who seek shelter at the Mission. We may have the comfort of a cool, air-conditioned home to escape the summer heat. Others do not.